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2/5: McCornack Family Week at a Glance

Posted Date: 2/02/24 (3:15 PM)

McCornack Family Week at a Glance

February 5-9, 2024

This Week:


February 5-16

Kindness Campaign

February 6

PTO Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. at McCornack

February 7

OSU - The BEav Bold: Girls & Women in Sport event @ Reser Stadium 6-7 p.m. Click HERE to learn more

February 9

Report cards sent home with students

Coming Soon:


February 12-16

Kindness Week 

February 19

NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day

February 19

Lancer Cheer Clinic 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

February 20

Unified Basketball Game Night: North Eugene High School vs. Churchill High School

5:30-6:30pm @ North Eugene High School

February 29

Unified Basketball Game Night: South Eugene High School vs. Sheldon High School

5:30-6:30pm @ South Eugene High School

March 1

Sluggos Home Run Reading Challenge Bookmarks DUE

March 2nd

Community Service Saturday - 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

March 4-8

Classified Appreciation Week

March 8

Unified Basketball Game Night: Sheldon High School vs. North Eugene High School

6:00-7:00 pm @ Sheldon High School

March 5

PTO Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.

March 12

PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.

March 25-29

Spring Break

April 1

No School - Professional Development

McCornack Parent/Family Handbook:  We strongly recommend families review and reference this handbook which is full of important information about McCornack.

Breakfast/Lunch Menus: Click the links below to access the school breakfast/lunch menus.  Breakfast and lunch are provided at no charge to McCornack students.

Feb 5-9: Breakfast MENU

Feb 5-9: Lunch MENU

McCornack’s PTO Corner:  Starting in January, General PTO meetings will have childcare and translation services.  Please join us for our monthly meetings.  We look forward to seeing you!

A BIG THANK YOU to McCornack’s staff and PTO for a successful Family Board Game and Spaghetti Night.  We also want to thank all of the wonderful families who attended.  We hope you left with full bellies and full hearts.  It was an amazing turnout!! 

  • Click HERE to view the slideshow presented at the last meeting and to learn more about McCornack’s PTO!

  • Your McCornack PTO board met earlier in the school year and discussed ways to support and achieve the 3 goals set forth in the SCIP (School Continuous Improvement Plan) for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Goal #2 focuses on students making progress in their reading scores. One way to do this is to  “Practice Reading at Home”. To support this goal, each month for the remainder of the year, PTO has purchased a book for each classroom. The book is chosen based on the character trait that McCornack is focusing on for the month. The book is being sent to each student’s home for a night and we ask that you please return it the following day. Please click HERE to learn more and for helpful prompts for writing journals.

Sluggo’s Home Run Reading Challenge:  The reading challenge will run through February 29th.  Students track their reading on the back of the Reading Challenge bookmark, provided by the Ems. At the end of the program, schools report back to the Emeralds with how many students completed the program.  The Emeralds provide a voucher good for TWO FREE TICKETS to one of the Emeralds Reading Program Redemption games.

Donate New or Used Board Games to McCornack: McCornack is opening a board game library but we need your help! As you are shopping or downsizing please consider donating new or gently used (with all their pieces) board games to our school game library. Donations can be brought to the front office - more info on the board game library to come!

COMING SOON - Students and families will be able to check out board games to take home.  More information coming soon!

Morning Math Title Event: Reserve the DATE! Doors open for families to visit classrooms! 8:30-9:30 - Kinder-1st grade on Feb. 26th, 2-3rd grade on Feb. 27th, and 4-5th grade on Feb. 29th. Click HERE for more information!

Our Character focus for the month of February is: Our Character focus for the month of February is: Citizenship "How can I make my home, school, and community a better place?"

The Bee Jamboree choices for February will be: Watching Leo vs. Extra Recess

People who have Good Citizenship:

  • Have respect for others' and their property

  • They know their rights and respect others' rights

  • Have compassion and empathy for others

  • Actively work to make their communities better

  • Know current issues and events

  • Take responsibility for their own actions

Safe Routes to School: As part of the 4J Safe Routes to School program we ask that you take a few minutes to fill out our Parent/Guardian survey for McCornack Elementary, regardless of how your student(s) get to school to inform our efforts to help students use active and shared transportation for their school commute. This link is specific for your school. If you have more than one student at this school please fill out one for the older student only. If you have students at more than one school please fill out one for each school you receive a link for. Thank you for your time.


Lancer Cheer Clinic: On February 19th from 9:30 a.m - 2:00 p.m., Churchill High School is hosting a cheer clinic for students in grades K-8th.  Cost: $40 w/ shirt, $30 w/o shirt.  More information to come.

OSU The BEav Bold - Girls & Women in Sports event: The Oregon State Athletics Student-Athlete Development department is launching a new event in celebration of National Girls and Women in Sport Day. The BEav Bold: Girls & Women in Sport event will be held on February 7th, 2024 from 6pm-7pm in the Reser Stadium Toyota Club. 

Event participants will join OSU female student-athletes and staff for a craft activity to celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day. All participants will receive a craft bracelet, dessert, and goodies to take home. The event welcomes all girls ages 8-14 years old. 

Click HERE for more information.  Click HERE to RSVP.

Unified Basketball Game Nights: This year Unified Basketball Game Nights will take place at the four high schools! The teams will consist of athletes (students experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities), and partners (students in general/neurotypical development), to create a genuine inclusion opportunity for ALL players on the team to play together.

  • North Eugene High School vs. Churchill High School

Tuesday, February 20th 5:30-6:30pm

@ North Eugene High School

  • South Eugene High School vs. Sheldon High School

Thursday, February 29th 5:30-6:30pm

@ South Eugene High School

  • Sheldon High School vs. North Eugene High School

Friday, March 8th 6:00-7:00 pm

@ Sheldon High School

  • Churchill High School vs. South Eugene High School

Thursday, April 11th 6:30-7:30pm

@ Churchill High School

Click HERE for more information

Ophelia’s Place: OP provides a range of services and support to meet girls and families where they are, when and how they need it. Services are available in person or virtually, and individually or as a group. Offerings include after and out-of-school workshops and activities; school girl empowerment groups; presentations to students; and strength-based therapy.

Girls cannot overcome challenges alone. (No one can.) Because of that, we offer guidance for parents, teachers and peers, including boys. That’s where our trainings for parents, teachers, and in-school programs come in.  We also provide professional development training to youth-serving organizations.

Click HERE to visit their website

Click HERE to view their Spring Break activities

Click HERE to view information about upcoming workshops

Early Childhood Hub of Lane County: Early Childhood Hub of Lane County’s website is full of resources! From parenting classes and workshops to a newsletter full of events around Lane County for families! Visit their website to learn more and to sign up for their newsletter.  -

Eugene Schools Group for Parents of LGBTQ+ Students:  The Parent Support Group for parents/caregivers of 4j LGBTQIA+ students meets every 3rd Tuesday in the Sheldon High School Library 6:00-7:30 pm. 

Childcare will be provided by the YMCA in the cafeteria.  Click HERE for more info. For questions, please contact Lisa Kinser-Wehr.  Her phone number is 541-517-4775. You can also reach her via email

Reporting an Absence: Punctual and regular attendance is an extremely important part of an official permanent school record. When a student is absent, please call 541-790-5800 to report the absence.

Parents/Guardians visiting or volunteering at McCornack: All parents/guardians are encouraged to visit THIS LINK and fill out 4J’s Volunteer Application.  Fingerprints are not required at this time, and our volunteer approval process is expense free.  Background checks are required for any person at McCornack who is volunteering in any capacity.

McCornack’s Free Little Pantry:  McCornack’s pantry is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. and is located near the front office at McCornack.

We are immensely grateful to have this resource for our McCornack families. Please feel free to take what you need. We kindly ask for donations to keep the pantry fully stocked. 

Dana L. Brummett

Principal, McCornack Elementary School

Eugene School District 4J